Eselfleisch ist das neue Elfenbein – ein Bericht aus dem Economist!     Eine wichtige Mitteilung in eigener Sache vorneweg: In einer Woche, am kommenden Mittwoch, um 9 Uhr vormittags, findet unsere Verhandlung bezüglich des unfassbaren ‚Alm- und Kulturflächenschutzgesetzes‘ statt. Es ist eine öffentlich Prozess, wo dann auch interessierte ZuhörerInnen anwesend sein können! Also, wer uns direkt vor Ort in dieser Angelegenheit unterstützen möchte, die Verhandlung passiert im Landesverwaltungsgericht in Linz, Oberösterreich, in der Volksgartenstraße 14, und dort im Verhandlungssaal! Datum: 25. April 2018, Mittwoch, Zeit: 9 Uhr!!! Und noch ein Termin: ebenfalls nächste Woche, am Freitag, dem 27. April, findet von 19 bis 22Read More →

    A puppy was shot in the legs and thrown off a cliff. We must hold the perpetrators accountable!   Sign Now     What punishment do think would be appropriate for a tiny puppy that was allegedly „attacking“ much-larger sheep? A well-known member of the Kennel Club of Montenegro apparently thought the answer was „shoot the puppy in the legs,“ because that’s exactly what he did. Help us demand justice for this innocent little dog now! Sign the petition to demand his abuser is held accountable. Beban the Puppy was only a few months old when he was accused of threatening local sheep.Read More →

  Dog Horrifically Abandoned With Infected Wound and Prolapsed Uterus Deserves Justice     A dog endured horrendous suffering and had to be euthanized after she was given a botched spaying surgery. Investigators found her abandoned by the side of a road in extremely poor condition. Demand justice now.   Please Also Help With These Causes:   Dog Who Died from Rare Condition Due to Alleged Neglect Deserves Justice   Punish Ranchers Who Allegedly Forced Animals to Live in Waste and Squalor   Over 100 Animals Allegedly Kept in Filth With No Food or Water Deserve Justice   Success: Award Recognition Removed for Destinations thatRead More →

      TAKE ACTION!       SIGN: Stop Killing Dogs and Cats Like Trash After Research Ends   TOP STORIES     VIDEO: Tiniest Kitten Gets Extra Love from Two Moms               VIDEO: 2-Legged Squirrel Gets Around with Tiny Set of Wheels     This Methane-Tracking Satellite will Monitor Pollution from Outer Space             VIDEO: Meet the Abused Puppy Whose Incredible Recovery Inspired Better Animal Protections     Sick Kitten Thrown from Car Window Finds a Loving Home, Stars in a Storybook   Lady Freethinker is a registered nonprofit media organization dedicatedRead More →

Stopp dem Hundetöten für Fußball-WM 18 in Russland – RespekTiere-Protest vor dem Konsulat in Salzburg   Noch sind es rund 2 Monate bis zur Fußball-WM 2018; doch unfassbare Grausamkeiten gegen die in den Austragungsorten beheimateten Straßenhunde passieren jetzt gerade; obwohl gut versteckt vor den Augen der Öffentlichkeit dringen immer wieder wahre Horrormeldungen über den Umgang mit den Mitgeschöpfen nach außen! So sollen, ähnlich wie bei den allermeisten Sport-Großereignissen im Osten der letzten Perioden, auch in Russland ganze Schwadrone von Hundefängern ausgesandt worden sein, mit Millionenbeträgen ausgestattet, um ‚dem Problem‘ Herr zu werden (bei der Fußball-EM in der Ukraine, 2012, wurden laut Schätzungen von Peta,,Read More →

If you are having trouble reading this message, please click here to view it in your browser         Meet Two Dog Meat Trade Survivors Meet Huahua and Xiaohei, two adorable dogs saved from painful death at a dog meat slaughterhouse in northern China. We don’t know how they got there; most likely, they were stolen from their human families or grabbed from the streets. We do know they were destined to be brutally butchered for profit — just like millions of other dogs and cats sold for meat.   Thankfully, brave rescuers took these dogs in the cover of night and broughtRead More →

Falls dieser Newsletter nicht richtig angezeigt wird, nutzen Sie bitte die Webansicht   ANIMAL SPIRIT – Newsletter vom 23.04.2018   Neues von Animal Spirit ANIMAL SPIRIT – Newsletter vom 23.04.2018 Frühlingserwachen am Hendlberg; OTS: Das Märchen vom bösen Wolf; Neue Baustelle am Hendlberg; Kinder spenden für Tiere; Hühnerfabrik St. Valentin den Hahn zudrehen Frühlingserwachen am Hendlberg Eselfohlen Aurora auf der oberen Frühlings-Hausweide Frühlingserwachen auch am Gnadenhof Hendlberg, 5 neue Kaninchen Wie in unserem letzten Newsletter berichtet dürfen jetzt schon alle unsere Gnadenhof-Tiere – zumindest stundenweise – hinaus auf die Frühlingsweiden. So auch am Ur-Gnadenhof Hendlberg in Laaben/NÖ: Eselfohlen Aurora (siehe Titelbild), im Juni erst einRead More →

  Man Accused of Slamming Puppy to Death on Floor Must be Punished     Prince the puppy died tragically when he was reportedly slammed onto a department store floor during a domestic dispute. Per police, the suspect is at large and considered dangerous. Demand justice for Prince. We need your help, so we can keep helping animals:   We’ll get right to the point – We need your help. Without the financial support of our Premium Members, we could not afford to continue our work Defending Animals From Other Humans. Over the years, we’ve helped countless abused animals receive justice and protection. However, withoutRead More →

  Australians don’t want mother pigs kept in sow stalls – tiny cages where they suffer while pregnant. Our pig industry is phasing them out. But most of the processed pork in our supermarkets – like bacon and ham – contains imported pork, with a lot coming from countries that still use sow stalls throughout pregnancy. Disturbingly, the new Country of Origin labelling laws that come into force on 1 July don’t require producers to tell you where imported pork comes from. You have no way of knowing. That’s why we’re calling on Primo – Australia’s biggest processed pork producer – to provide information onRead More →

  Family cats are being brutalized and murdered at cat meat markets in Vietnam. We must put an end to this!     Sign Now       As we speak, thousands of cats are being slaughtered in Vietnamese cat meat markets. But they’re not just being killed — they’re being mercilessly tortured. These poor cats are being beaten, hanged, skinned, blow-torched and boiled alive. Care2 member Artem was heartbroken and outraged over these revelations. Sign the petition demanding that the Vietnamese government ban this animal abuse now! A recent video taken in Ho Chi Minh City showcases the full extent of this cruelty. SomeRead More →