SUCCESS!     Jo Noble   Justice for Hartlepool Caucasian Shepherd dog abandoned by owner then killed by police   Thank You to every single one of you who has taken the time to sign the petition. We now have over 200,000 signatures . The next step will be the petition will be sent to parliment . As soon as i hear any updates or responses i will let you know. Thank you once again Sincerely, Jo Noble BE LIKE Jo Noble! The link to this petition is: You can use this link to remove your signatureRead More →

  Keine Pferde zur Polizei: PETITION   Während wir laufend mit vollem Einsatz um Verbesserungen im Tierschutz kämpfen, drohen von politischer Seite nun weitere Verschlechterungen. 1. Eine berittene Polizei halten wir aus Tierschutz- und Menschenrechts-Gründen für schieren Wahnsinn. Bitte unterschreibe und teile unsere Petiton gegen den Einsatz von Pferden als Waffe auf Fußballmatches und bei Demonstrationen! 2. Im Regierungsprogramm deuten mehrere Passagen darauf hin, dass unsere ohnehin schon sehr mühevolle Arbeit unter schwarz-blau weiter erschwert und – im schlimmsten Fall – kriminalisiert werden soll. Bitte unterstütze uns!! 3. Die gleiche Situation wie in NÖ (Gatterjagdverbot versprochen, dann gebrochen) steht uns jetzt in Salzburg bevor! WirRead More →

  Friend, Simple science tells us that oil and water do not mix. Yet President Trump has proposed expanding offshore oil and gas drilling in areas of the ocean where sea turtles, whales, and birds live. This is a phenomenally bad idea. And Turtle Island Restoration Network is fighting against it – from the local county government level all the way to the White House. We need you to join the fight to protect our oceans by making a donation today. We were in the waters and on the beaches when the Deepwater Horizon spill struck the Gulf of Mexico. We all the saw imagesRead More →

        Friend, This past week on the Texas coast, water temperatures dipped below 50 degrees and affected over 2,000 endangered sea turtles. Sea turtles that are „cold stunned“ may try and reach the surface to be warmed by the sun but our air temperature was below freezing. Cold stunned turtles become very lethargic and are more susceptible to boat strikes, predators and even death from exposure. This has become the largest cold stunning event ever recorded on the Texas coast, and we’re expecting another cold front this weekend. Please donate to help our dedicated staff, volunteers, and me rescue these vulnerable sea turtles.Read More →

  Stop Cutting Up and Serving Live Animals at Restaurants   Octopuses are being held down, cut up alive, and then served in sushi restaurants. These poor animals can feel pain and are aware of each hack into their sensitive tentacles. Sign this petition to demand officials protect these creatures and stop restaurants from preparing and serving live animals. Now it’s our turn to ask for help:     For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:   Our organization is only able toRead More →

  Stop Republicans From Legalizing Puppy Mills, Horse Meat and Other Forms of Animal Abuse Puppy mills, the sale of dog and horse meat, force feeding ducks until their livers explode, and other examples of animal cruelty will be legalized if Republican efforts to overturn animal welfare laws are successful. Sign this petition to oppose Republican plans to return to the days where extreme animal cruelty was legal.     Now it’s our turn to ask for help: For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider theRead More →

Protest vor dem Schlachthof in Bergheim! Unser alljäjhrlicher Allerheiligen-Brief!   Die Finsternis der Nacht hat den Tag längst besiegt. Mit ihr ist die Kälte zurückgekommen, nichts ist mehr übrig geblieben von der Sanftheit des späten Herbstnachmittags wo wärmende Sonnenstrahlen für kurze Augenblicke leise Hoffnung versprachen; die Sonne schläft längst und hat zu dieser Jahreszeit nicht mehr die Kraft ihre Wärme in Stein, Beton und Asphalt für die Nacht zu speichern. Foto: gestern konnten die PassantInnen wieder eine schaurige Darbietung an der Schlachthofzufahrt bezeugen – RespekTiere-AktivistInnen gedachten der Seelen der Ermordeten… und die Tiertransportfahrer blickten verschämt zur Seite… Sanfte Nebelschleier bedecken die Landschaft, schwermütig, so alsRead More →

  Decomposed and Starving Horses Found on Property Deserve Justice     Nine horses reportedly died of hunger and one nearly starved to death in a shocking case of animal cruelty. The surviving horse, named Shamus, was apparently so emaciated that his ribs showed through the skin. Demand justice for these horses now. It’s Our Turn to Ask for Help:   For those of you who are already Premium Members — thank you from the bottom of our hearts! For the rest of our community, please consider the following message:   Without your support, our organization would cease to exist… literally. This is because runningRead More →

Wiederholungstäter und Tierquäler in Niedersachsen Themenschwerpunkt Ernährung Fleisch Geflügel Recherche Schweine Themen von A-Z Weitere Links 2012 hatte PETA den Tierhalter zum ersten Mal angezeigt, damals nahm Wiesenhof die Enten ab Auch Fleisch mit Tierschutzlabel bedeutet Tierquälerei Sie können dieses Leid von Ihrem Teller verbannen – wir helfen Ihnen dabei! Loading… PETA-Newsletter E-Mail * Ich möchte per E-Mail Kampagnenupdates erhalten. Aus unserem Blog So ähnlich sind Wale und Delfine uns Menschen laut einer Studie – Nur eine der vielen Gemeinsamkeiten zwischen Menschen und … 3. November 2017 7 Fakten über Hündin Laika: Das erste Lebewesen, das die Erde umkreiste – Heute vor genau 60 Jahren schickteRead More →

  Demand Justice for Brutally Murdered Kangaroo Sign Now „Just face it, that’s your fate. Let me finish this as quickly as I can.“ This sounds like an act of mercy, but they’re actually the words uttered in a video of a man brutally murdering a kangaroo. In August, a horrific video emerged from Australia. A man is seen approaching an injured kangaroo, and instead of helping the animal he grabs the kangaroo by the tail and stabs the poor animal multiple times, while the person recording laughs in the background.This isn’t just cruel — it’s illegal. In Victoria, Australia, native wildlife are protected underRead More →